A dream came true. But not in a positive way. Actually a nightmare became reality. I dreamed that I have lost my ID-CARD and once I woke up, I checked my bag and seriously: my ID-CARD was gone. This card was my only proof of identity as I don't have my passport with me. Last time I saw my ID-CARD inside my trousers when Tobias and I strolled through Cairo's nightlife. It must have fallen out of my pockets. What next? Without ID-CARD I can't go to Sinai....
When we checked out the hostel, believe it or not, they informed me that someone found my ID-CARD! I don't know who and where but it is back with me! Thanks to this person! After all that adrenaline the journey to Sinai could start in time. Actually, half an hour early even. A funny anecdote about cultural assumptions: I ordered the taxi for 8am, assuming well that the driver probably is going to pick us up at 9am - which would have been a perfect time for us. The driver, his name is Anwar, came at 7:30am, assuming that Germans like to be over-punctual. Haha! Fair enough, so no breakfast, no problem. Heading towards Sinai feels so good: beach, palm trees, kite surfing. Security concers? Not really. Everything you hear in the media concerns NORTH- Sinai. And the travel-ban? Don't read everything. It takes 40 minutes to get out of Cairo and we passed by soms crazy construction sides. They are building an artificial government district, a capital within the capital. Also a big church with a tower just as high as the mosque near by. Crossing the toll station we drove through pure desert. Some camels here & there. A lonely gas station from time to time and some desert-huts.
Before the Suez-canal one big checkpoint: car check, through the bomb searching machine, ID check, car check again. Going underneath the Suez-canal is a bit unexcited. The tunnel is less than 2 KM and I couldn't see any water before or after. After another half an hour we eventually saw boats and big ships - and the sea of course. Welcome to Asia :) While Egypt itself lies on the African continent, Anwar told us that Sinai belongs geographically to Asia. All in all three hours to Ras Sudr, with a very gentle driver for 632 Egyptian Pound. (35 USD).
Kommentar schreiben
Rolf (Sonntag, 26 März 2017 12:39)
Cairo is full of good people as I experienced several years ago. The more I hope for a peaceful development of Cairo and Egypt. Enjoy your time there!