Three weeks left

Moving to Burkina Faso in West Africa becomes more and more reality. In three weeks only we are boarding our airplane to Ouagadougou, the capital. Our flat in Germany is already empty. Not a single spoon left. Everything went so quickly towards the end. The very last thing that left our appartement was the sofa. Only things that nobody wanted to buy is: bed, TV-table and one sideboard. Hopefully the car well be sold by Saturday. Tobias and I packed around 25 moving cartons that will be stored at his parent´s home. All we need in Burkina Faso fits into six suitcases. I´m still in Bad Honnef for preparation courses but my program comes to an end in less than one week ;) Actually I do not dare to speak it out loud, but I really think everything is prepared and there is nothing left to organise. We did all the paperwork, changed our addresses, packed for Burkina, had our family-goodbye-tour and bought a flight ticket. Everything went more than well. So structured and organised that everything is ready three weeks prior departure. I´ve read, watched and studied so much about Bukrina Faso that I just can´t wait to be there. It feels I have been there many times before. I hope this intensive preparation is going to limit the culture shock.

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