The bridge to nowhere

The other day I eventually decided to go and check out this long footbridge that I could see on the horizon for days. I walked approximately for fifteen minutes before I reached the entrance of that bridge. Passing by various neglected hotel-villages seems to be the last proof of how vivid and crowded this place has been once. They are huge, maybe 1000 guests at the same time have been accommodated here during bright time. I can identify children's roller coaster, party halls, pool bars and golf courses - and now it looks destroyed like a thunderstorm hit the place. During the revolution the hotels has been plundered and demolished. It is a shame that political circumstances leave thousands jobless and scare all tourists off. I walked the entire bridge (3 Kilometers) to reach an island in the Gulf of Suez. On the island the same picture: sunshades, little kiosks, playgrounds - all crashed. The bridge was once built to reach another beach spot on the island and to have the possibility to go for a long walk in case you get bored at the beach. Nowadays it's protected by the army to protect the area from drug trafficking between Egypt mainland and Sinai.

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