Not far away from Ouagadougou, maybe a 45-minutes drive, lies the cozy village of Bazoulé. Bazoulé is home of a holy lake where around 200 holy crocodiles live. Last year, the oldest crocodile in Burkina Faso died there at an age of 110 years! The villagers honored the animal by a day long funeral and sacrificed sheep and goats. It is a perfect half-day excursion from Ouagadougou and guides offer tours around the lake. In the dry season, you can rent a bike and cycle the 8 kilometers through the village and around the lake. In the rainy season, some parts of the path are flooded, so that you simply walk a few hundred meters towards the lake. Apart from the guide-fee, 1500F (2,40 Euro), you can buy a chicken for 1000F (1,40 Euro) and feed it to the crocodiles alive. I just want to underline, that we did not do it! With us came two Italian...Read All