
Mobile phone stolen in Addis

After my two-week blogging pause, we are now back in Burkina Faso. Leaving India was hard for us both, we almost did not want to go back, because Mandrem has been paradise for us. I proudly announce that Tobias has gained his Assistant Instructor Certificate for Kitesurfing. Felicitaion! Between India and Burkina, we spent 24hours in Ethiopia, Addis. Ethiopian Airlines welcomed us with a huge surprise: Because our transit time is more than twelve hours, we received a hotel voucher for free!! We stayed in Empire Hotel (photo), which is really an amazing place to stay. The food, the visa, the shuttle – all paid by Ethiopian Airlines. Thanks again! The only bad thing: A street gang robbed Tobias´ mobile phone. They tried to get mine as well, but my hand bag did apparently not open quick enough. However, now back in Burkina, we see temperatures below 30° C for the first time! Last night we had 28° C. Also, no more humidity, only dry air which makes it much easier.