
Escape to Diani

Diani Beach – this wonderful stripe of land lies south of Mombasa and is home to around 50 tourists resorts and hotels. Coming from Nairobi, over Voi with a stop in Mombasa, this neighborhood does not look like we are still in Kenya.


It is a westernized oasis with high class restaurants, proper side walks, fixed prices in every hotel and loads of white people. The number of tourists was even higher a few years back in time, before the Mombasa-attack as well as the Westgate-attack had happened. However, these days, a lot of tourists are based in Nairobi and seek refuge from the stressed city life over a long week-end.


We are staying in Bidi Badu Beach Resort and this is the first time that it does look better in reality than on the photos on booking.com. It is perfect! The rooms spread African flair, breakfast is served a meter away from the sea and you have to decided between two pools as well ;)



Naomy, the owner of Bidi Badu, is an Australian who came here a few month ago. She has never worked in tourism before but her resort is doing well! She took us with her to a shopping tour to a local market. One good thing when shopping with the owner of the hotel you are staying in: You have lots of influence on the topping of the pizza´s tonight ;)


If you wonder what we are up for all day? Not much. Tobias does kite surfing but there could be more wind actually. We do lots of filming for another nice upcoming video or just laying lazy in the shadow, reading a book.

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