
Recap 2022 - new Video

About 2022: When we sat in this little cafe on the very first day in 2022 inside the Northern Republic of Cyprus (a country that does not official exists for most of the world) we asked ourself, when can we travel easy like before? Crossing borders by land, remaining flexible on the road, changing plans last minute, not paying more for PCR tests than for the actual flight....I would say, 2022 was a great year in terms of travelling. It has been absolutly amazing and passed ways too quickly. We are greatful for all the little detials that made us laugh. We are thankful for the people that sometimes completly unexpected entered our life and made it happier. We are full of memories, not only from travelling 11 countries this year, but also thanks to the time with our very very close people in Amman. We would love to share a few of the memories in this video with you.

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