
Jordan · 13. Mai 2024
Usually I don´t share about work-related topics on my blog, but this training deserves an exception. Maan is 2.5h away from the capital Amman. The self-care workshop in Maan was facilitated by Mrs. Aya and Mrs. Wejdan and it has been a great success. The moderators lead the participants through interactive exercises, drawing techniques, and lively discussions. Among others, the women talked about how to handle difficult emotions and what are the factors of success stories in life.

Jordan · 04. Mai 2024
I made it! Running at the lowest point of earth, the Dead Sea. Wonderful views along the road, 31° C, and lots of fun. It is my second time to participate and yes, I got a little bit faster than last year :)

Jordan · 28. April 2024
The Black Iris Farm is located half an hour outside Amman. I would describe it as a petting zoo where one can also feed the animals. There are plenty of different species...dogs, cats, deer, rabbits, birds, snakes, monkeys, horses and much more. The place itself is well-maintained and clean but of course it is always sad to see caged animals. However, fun for the kids is, that visitors can literally open all cages and walk inside or take animals out for a petting session. It costs 4 JD per...

Jordan · 30. März 2024
Happy Catholic Easter! We are celebrating Good Friday here with a traditional Easter Hunt. The kids had so much fun! In Jordan, official holiday is given for the Orthodox Easter beginning of May, because within the Christian minority in Jordan, Orthodox makes actually the biggest number. So we get to celebrate twice 🥰.

Jordan · 28. März 2024
Getting ready for Easter :) Johanna loves the egg colouring and she is already excited for the Egg Hunt, which the community organizes for the third year in a row.

Jordan · 20. März 2024
Ramadan Kareem to everyone observing the holy month! It is my fourth Ramadan in Jordan and truly a special time. Last year, I ended Ramadan with the Eid Al Fitr celebrations in Aqaba. This year I started Ramadan in Aqaba :) and enjoying the much milder temperatures than Amman!

Jordan · 22. Februar 2024
This is how the North of Jordan looks in spring. Lush green grasland after it had rained a lot. However, the water reservoir is only filled half (compared to the previous years). The change of colors is very welcomed! Only a 2h drive from Amman and one can enjoy this scenery.

Jordan · 21. Februar 2024
Sharing about our success about kicking off the new project at URI called "Inner Strength Women Circles". During the last three days we have worked with in total 12 women, from 7 cities in Jordan, representing 6 Cooperation Circles and 5 diversities. We created a workshop design suitable for their communities on Self Care, Resilience & mental health and had sessions about "good facilitation". They will become the new trainers for the Inner Strength Circles. Mabruk to all !

Jordan · 08. Februar 2024
Mosaic art in Madaba, Jordan, holds significant historical and cultural importance. Madaba is renowned for its ancient mosaic tradition, dating back to the Byzantine era. The city is often referred to as the "City of Mosaics" due to the abundance of mosaic artworks found in its churches, homes, and public buildings. The most famous mosaic in Madaba is the Madaba Map, which is located in the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George. This map is the oldest known map of the Holy Land and depicts...

Jordan · 05. Februar 2024
When in Amman, make sure you visit the Citadel. It is included in the Jordan Pass. For me, the Citadel provides one of the most beautiful views once can get over Amman. There is also a cafe and souvenir store. Take our your video camera if the Azan starts from a dozen of mosques! Goosebumps.

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